
The first snow for years. But it didn’t last long.
Don’t forget to feed the birds at this time of year,
I can’t remember what these are – that’s part of the fun of bulbs if your approach is slightly random like mine,

As Flanders and Swann memorably sang, “It’s bloody January again”! Winter has well and truly arrived and the garden is now asleep. If you have kept on top of the garden debris of the dead of last year’s growth, then all should be under control. But what if it is not? And what does this mean? Continuing to clear up the mess. Again, so what should we do?

Make a list – this is my list for my garden. Make your own for your own.


  • Prune Wisteria and other vigorous climbers. Don’t worry if you didn’t prune the Wisteria during the summer. Pruning now will still create a great display.

Creating new life

  • Order seeds and autumn/summer-flowering bulbs, and herbaceous perennials.


  • Continue planting and winter-pruning of fruit.

Maintaining the garden

  • Ensure birds have food and water.
  • Continue with winter digging when soil conditions allow. Cover ground to keep out the wet.
  • Protect plants vulnerable to wind and cold.
  • Watch out for winter-germinating weeds.
  • Re-firm newly-planted trees and shrubs lifted by frost, and check supports of trees and shrubs generally.
  • Clear damp leaves from crowns of plants and collect decaying leaves.
  • Spread organic matter.
  • Water container plants.
  • Protect pot–grown shrubs.


  • Plant deciduous hedging.


  • Prune trees and shrubs to shape.

Most important task

  • Sit and enjoy your garden, and contemplate and plan for an exciting year to come.

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