It’s summer and the garden is really getting going. And, of course, with comes more things to do. If you, like me, get anxious about what needs to be done in the garden, there is a simple method that may work to get you going.
Make a list – this is my list for my garden. Why not make your own for your own garden?
- Train climbing and rambling roses.
Creating new life
- Plant out summer bedding in borders and containers (including hanging baskets).
- Fill gaps in borders.
Maintaining the garden
- Weed and deadhead in borders and containers.
- Water plants in containers (including fruit) and new plants if necessary.
- Look out for pests on roses.
- Cut down faded foliage of bulbs, and lift and divide overgrown clumps.
- Deadhead fading flowers.
- Apply and renew mulch around plants and on open ground.
- Remove annual weeds.
- Tidy up untidy Hellebores.
- Tidy and cut back spring-flowering perennials, and continue staking tall ones.
Pruning (shrubs and trees)
- Prune spring flowering shrubs, and mature, deciduous shrubs.
- Remove suckers from roses.
Most important task
- Sit and enjoy your garden.