Autumn is truly upon us and the garden is beginning to go to sleep. All around us is the dead and dying of this year’s growth. And what does this mean? Clearing up the mess. So, what should we do?
Make a list – this is my list for my garden. Why not make your own for your own garden?

- Tie in climbers.
Creating new life
- Plant tulip bulbs.
- Protect tender and newly planted shrubs from frost and wind.
- Plant fruit trees and bushes, including blackcurrant bushes.
- Winter prune fruit trees and bushes, including apple and pear trees.
- Mulch pruned fruit.
- Plant fruit trees and bushes.
Maintaining the garden
- Tidy the garden for approaching winter.
- Clear out bird boxes and put food out for birds and check for hibernating creatures before lighting bonfires.
- Continue with winter digging.
- Clean or throw out old pots and trays (but try to reuse plastic as much as possible).
- Insulate containers left out for the winter.
- Clean, sharpen and store gardening equipment.
- Keep raking up fallen leaves and clear from plants.
- Check tree ties and stakes.
- Cut down old plant growth, including grasses and bamboos.
- Plant bare-rooted trees, shrubs and new roses.
Most important task
- Sit and enjoy your garden in the now faded light. Begin to ponder a year well spent.