Summer has really disappeared, but garden is still full of colour and life. Once again, this is another time of year that I get really anxious about hard work that needs to be done. However, there is a simple method that may work.
Make a list – this is my list for my garden. Why not make your own for your own garden?
- Plant new climbers (including in containers).
Creating new life
- Divide overgrown perennials.
- Finish planting spring bedding and bulbs. (This is your last real chance.)
- Plant containers for winter colour.
- Pot up half hard fuchsias.
- Prune blackcurrants, if necessary.
- Prepare for planting new fruit trees.
Maintaining the garden
- Rake up fallen leaves and pile them up to make leafmould.
- Continue clearing up the garden, and watch for fungal infection (burn or bin debris showing signs).
- Dig over empty areas of soil.
- Prepare the ground for planting bare-rooted plants in November.
- Plant new perennials.
- Cut back and lift existing perennials.
- Plant herbaceous perennials.
- Divide crocosmias.
- Finish planting evergreen shrubs.
- Plant tulips and lily bulbs.
- Plant deciduous and evergreen hedges.
Pruning (shrubs and trees)
- Prune tall shrubs and climbing roses.
- Trim conifers, if necessary.
Most important task
- Sit and enjoy your garden in the fading light.