This is why I created the website …

This is why I created the website …
As Flanders and Swann memorably sang, “It’s bloody January again”! Winter has well and truly arrived and the garden is now asleep. If you have kept on top of the garden debris of the dead of last year’s growth, then all should be under control. But what if it is not? And what does this mean? Continuing to clear up the mess. Again, so what should we do?
I also write book reviews for the website: Geology Book Reviews. Today, I am publishing three book reviews on fossil plants that you might enjoy. This is one is published by the Palaeontological Association and covers the jungles of the Carboniferous (coal measures). It is well worth a look if you are interested in this fascinating time in botanical history.
I also write book reviews for the website: Geology Book Reviews. Today, I am publishing three book reviews on fossil plants that you might enjoy. This is one is published by the Palaeontologial Association and is a guide to the fossil plants that can be found at places like the Isle of Sheppey. They are from a formation called the London Clay and are about 42 million years old.
I also write book reviews for the website: Geology Book Reviews. Today, I am publishing three book reviews on fossil plants that you might enjoy. This is one is published by the NHM and is a colour photograph book of fossil plants illustrating the history of plants in geological time.
Winter has arrived and the garden is has largely gone to sleep. It said this about November, but it is still true. All around us is the dead and dying of this year’s growth. And what does this mean? Continuing to clear up the mess. Again, so what should we do?
Autumn is truly upon us and the garden is beginning to go to sleep. All around us is the dead and dying of this year’s growth. And what does this mean? Clearing up the mess. So, what should we do?
Summer has really disappeared, but garden is still full of colour and life. Once again, this is another time of year that I get really anxious about hard work that needs to be done. However, there is a simple method that may work.
At the beginning of September, I finally ventured out despite Covid-19 and visited Heartwood Forest with my wife and a friend. I have been a member of the Woodland Trust for maybe a decade and an half, but have never visited one of their sites. However, Heartwood Forest is owned and managed by the charity, so I have finally broken my duck.
So, summer has rushed past and autumn is here. But garden is still bursting with life. This is another time of year that I get really anxious about hard work that needs to be done. However, there is a simple method that may work.
If you have had a look at this website, you will know how much I love clematis (see my pictures in Climbers). At the last count, I have maybe 11 or 12 different varieties, and I love them all. I have even grown some successfully from seed.
So, summer is truly with us and the garden is getting out of control (or so it sometimes seems). It is at this time of year that I get really anxious about what needs to be done, but there is a simple method that may work.
So, with mid-summer nearly upon us (gosh, time flies), there are a number of tasks that we should be getting on with. Sometimes I get anxious about what needs to be done in the garden – and I have certainly set up a lot to do – but there is a simple method that may work.
It’s summer and the garden is really getting going. And, of course, with comes more things to do. If you, like me, get anxious about what needs to be done in the garden, there is a simple method that may work to get you going.
With spring drawing to a close, the number of tasks to get on with is increasing. If you get anxious about what needs to be done in the garden – and I certainly get daunted sometimes by the amount of work to, there is a simple method that may work to get you going.
With spring fully underway, there are an increasingly large number of tasks that we should be getting on with. If you get anxious about what needs to be done in the garden – and I certainly get daunted sometimes by the amount of work to, there is a simple method that may work to get you going.